How we nurture and educate children
Special Environment: Environment plays a big role in children’s lives. Kids’ Castle Pre-school is a fun and uplifting environment that promotes children’s independence, well-being and development.
The calm and secure environment encourages children to explore, investigate, reflect and try things out with confidence. Kids’ Castle Pre-school’s beautiful landscapes coupled with educational toys, is the perfect playground for little minds to grow through play.
Special Progammes: Kids’ Castle Pre-school’s special programme promotes optimum intellectual and social skills in young children enabling them to cope with our rapidly changing world. In addition, our exciting and creative curriculum coupled with small class groups class groups for individual attention instills love for learning.
Special teachers: Our highly qualified teacher are committed to providing the best education for children to achieve their full potential.
Special diet: Our well balanced, nutritious meals are prepared and served daily. This includes a delicious breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack as well as fresh fruit.
What we Believe
• Every child is a unique individual: our curriculum and approach reflect our deep conviction in enhancing each child’s uniqueness and creativity.
• Confidence and creativity: we nurture children’s confidence, curiosity and creativity through different innovative ways.
• Taking care of the environment: we instill in children, the passion and skill to care for the environment around them.
• Parents are key: we work hand-in-hand with parents because we believe they are essential in a child’s learning and development.
• Passionate educators: We believe in the development and grooming of educators who are qualified and more importantly, passionate about teaching with love and understanding toward children.