Our Service

Children's Castle Pre-school Curriculum

Our school follows the Ugandan Ministry of Education Preschool Syllabus curriculum. We are open from Monday to Friday starting 7:00am till 5:00pm, and on weekends, 11:00am till 7:00pm.

Our Programmes

Mini Miracles Busy Bees Happy Tots Explorers
6 months - 2.5 years 2.5 - 4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years

Admission and Fees

Children between the ages of 4 months and 6 years are eligible for admission. On application, a registration form must be completed in full and a non-refundable registration fee of UGX 100,000 is payable on acceptance.

Fees Structure

Non-refundable registration fee payable upon enrolment: UGX 100,000 per child
Full Day – UGX 1,200,000 per term
Half Day – UGX 1,000 000 per term
Annual Event Fees – UGX 150,000
Daycare Daily fees – UGX 30,000
Transport/van services negotiable depending the child's home location
Optional Swimming and Ballet classes – UGX 100,000 each

Uniform fees

Girls A dress 50,000
Boys A short and a shirt 60,000
Both Girls & Boys Sweater 40,000
Both Girls & Boys Sports Wear 50,000
Both Girls and Boys 2 pairs of socks 25,000

Every child is a unique individual full of talent and potential. We will enable your child to reach his or her full potential.

Got Questions? 0701 700 707